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首 頁 -> 常見問題 -> 轉輪除濕機用于冷卻頂板空調系統(tǒng)情況分析
發(fā)布者:admin     瀏覽次數:1718     發(fā)布時間:2017-10-12
In recent years, the rapid development of cooling roof air conditioning system is a kind of air conditioning system which separates sensible heat load from wet load. At present, it is generally adopted to eliminate the sensible heat load by cooling the roof, and to cool the air by means of mechanical refrigeration, and to eliminate the wet load through the ventilation system. The calculation and analysis of the application of the rotary dehumidifier to the cooling roof air conditioning system are carried out in theory, and the possibility of application and the effect of energy saving are discussed.
The main purpose of comfort air conditioning system design is to maintain a certain indoor temperature and humidity, so the heating of the air, cooling, dewetting and so on.
In the cooling ceiling air conditioning system, the cooling ceiling can only remove the apparent heat load in the room, and can not remove the indoor wet load. If the moisture load is removed, it will not only cause the indoor air humidity increases, make people feel more and more uncomfortable, but also causes the indoor air dew point temperature rising, to a certain extent than the surface temperature of the cooling ceiling and roof cooling caused by condensation. At the same time, indoor air should meet the hygienic requirements, and a certain amount of fresh air should be added. Therefore, in the design of cooling ceiling air conditioning system, the cooling ceiling is usually used to remove the sensible heat load, and the fresh air is used to remove the indoor moisture load.

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